Dapoxetine Wikipedia

Dapoxetine Wikipedia

Your health care provider asks about your sex life and your health history. If you have both early ejaculation and trouble getting or keeping an erection, your provider might order blood tests. Results of dapoxetine phase II and III studies [Buvat et al. 2009; Hellstrom et al. 2004, 2005; Kaufman et al. 2009; McMahon et al. 2010; Pryor et al. 2006].

  • But you can trust that your health care provider has had similar conversations with many others.
  • Dapoxetine plasma concentrations rapidly decline to about 5% of Cmax at 24 h.
  • The DESS comprises 43 possible withdrawal signs and symptoms, each rated and scored as new, old and worse, unchanged or improved or absent.
  • Currently, dapoxetine has the largest efficacy and safety database for use in men with PE, and it is the only agent for which SSRI class-related effects have been studied in a PE population.
  • Clement and colleagues reported the effects of intravenous dapoxetine on the emission and ejection phases of ejaculation using p-chloroamphetamine (PCA)-induced ejaculation as an experimental model of ejaculation in anesthetized rats [Clement et al. 2006].

Publication bias for paroxetine

Dapoxetine has a Tmax of 1.4–2.0 h and rapidly achieves peak plasma concentration (Cmax) following oral administration. Both plasma concentration and area under the curve (AUC) are dose dependent up to 100 mg. legal steroids in USA The mean half life of dapoxetine after a single dose was estimated using modelling as 1.3–1.5 h.

Animal studies of dapoxetine

Hence, microinjections and a systemic delivery of 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl-amino) tetralin hydrobromide (8-OH-DPAT), a selective agonist of 5-HT1A receptors, elicits a diminished ejaculatory latency time in rats. There is limited evidence on the function of 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C receptors on ejaculation; however, the studies conducted implicate inhibitory activity for 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C (16,17). Both 5-HT2C and 5-HT1B receptors are distributed within the hypothalamus and in the lumbosacral areas of the spinal cord, along with 5-HT1A receptors (18). Dapoxetine is an effective, safe and well tolerated on-demand treatment for PE and, in the opinion of the author, is likely to fulfil the treatment needs of most patients. Although daily off-label antidepressant SSRIs are effective treatments for PE, supportive studies are limited by small study populations, infrequent use of PROs of control, distress and satisfaction as outcome measures and inconsistent reporting of known SSRI class-related safety effects. Currently, dapoxetine has the largest efficacy and safety database for use in men with PE, and it is the only agent for which SSRI class-related effects have been studied in a PE population.

Dapoxetine plasma concentrations rapidly decline to about 5% of Cmax at 24 hours. The terminal half-life of dapoxetine was 15–19 hours after a single dose and 20–24 hours after multiple doses of 30 and 60 mg respectively. Dapoxetine dose-finding data have been derived from two multicentre phase II studies and used to determine the appropriate doses for phase III studies.

Subjects with baseline average IELTs of 1.5–2 min, 1–1.5 min, 0.5–1 min and less than 0.5 min showed geometric mean fold increases of 1.5, 1.6, 1.6 and 1.7, respectively, with placebo treatment; 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 3.4, respectively, with dapoxetine 30 mg; and 2.6, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.3 with dapoxetine 60 mg. This post hoc analysis is limited by retrospective application of the ISSM definition of lifelong PE to previously conducted intervention studies which employed differing inclusion/exclusion criteria and study endpoints. The metabolites of dapoxetine include dapoxetine-N-oxide, desmethyldapoxetine and didesmethyldapoxetine.


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